🫡Ep1phany’s Blog

Hi there, this is Meilin. I’m recording most of my reading notes, learning experience and other peculiar yet fascinating insights in this blog. Should you find my pace of updates less than your satisfactory, please feel no hesitation to prompt me to publish new blogs.

Love never fails. 🫶 Forza Ferrari! 🏎️ ¡Viva Barça! 🔴🔵

Thinking about LLM Uncertainty

暑假会做LLM uncertainty的工作,因此这里列举一些相关的note和观察。 Index Title Status Reminder 1 Semantic Uncertainty: Linguistic Invariances for Uncertainty Estimation in Natural Language Generation Read ICLR'23,我们的b...

Last updated on June 24, 2024 · Estimated Reading Time: 1 min · 190 words · Ep1phany

2024 F1 Insight


Last updated on March 25, 2024 · Estimated Reading Time: 8 min · 3749 words · Ep1phany