
My name is Meilin Zhu(朱美霖). Now I’m a Ph.D. candidate at State Key Laboratory of Computer Science, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, advised by Prof. Lijun Zhang in TIS group. Previously, I’m honored to receive my bachelor’s degree from Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University. During my undergraduate phase, I have worked on optimizing keyword spotting system in AISpeech for summer internship, advised by Prof. Kai Yu; I also experienced a comprehensive scientific research training process in CoAI group, advised by Prof. Minlie Huang.

My interest now lies in verifying and enhancing robustness of AI systems, particularly of autonomous driving systems(ADS), and creating trustworthy ones. Our group has recently promoted ISS, a modular autonomous driving algorithm framework, to which I have been deeply contributing. We warmly invite you to explore our platform and conduct experiments on it.

Now I’m highly open and enthusiastic about collaborating on works related to AI system verification, robustness assessment and adversarial attack. Feel free to check my résumé and contact me at martial0296 [at] gmail [dot] com.


Within my leisure moments, I’m engaged in watching soccer games and Formula 1 Grand Prix. I’m a devoted fan of FC Barcelona, Manchester City, and, as a Tifosi, Scuderia Ferrari. I’ll be ETERNALLY grateful if you could take me to this year or next year’s Shanghai Grand Prix, cuz getting tickets has proved to be sooooo exceedingly challenging for Chinese F1 fans😭

Moreover, with Mandarin as my native language, I’m also a relatively fluent speaker in English, Cantonese(HK) and Korean.